Author Archives: Mila

The Secrets Of Anger Management > Free Self Help Ebook

Self Improvement ebook “The Secrets Of Anger Management” looks at how to control your rage and take control of your life. Main topics covered include; Basic Tips For Keeping Your Cool. Anger Classes And Counseling. Recommended Things To Do For Adults and Kids. Dealing With Stress. Accepting. Using Yoga. Using Meditation and Talking To An… Read More »

Yummy for Your Tummy > Free Recipe Ebook

Healthy children meal recipe ebook “Yummy for Your Tummy” covers; “contains recipes and cooking tips to help make your time in the kitchen fun, healthy and safe. A key to eating right is knowing how much food you and your children should eat at mealtimes. That’s why we’ve included a picture of an ideal plate… Read More »

100 Joint Venture Marketing Secrets > Free Online Marketing Report

Online Marketing report “100 Joint Venture Marketing Secrets” covers; This ebook will give you 100 joint venture marketing secrets. It it includes tons of ways for persuading joint venture partners and super affiliates to promote your product or service. You’ll have all kinds of successful ideas for writing joint venture proposals, creating affiliate sign-up pages/blogs,… Read More »

100 Niche Marketing Tactics > Free Online Marketing Report

Online Marketing report “100 Niche Marketing Tactics” covers; “This ebook will give you 100 niche marketing tactics. It includes ideas for some larger popular niches and smaller profitable targeted niches. The large markets give you a bigger audience but more competition and the little markets give a smaller audience but less competition“. Click “100 Niche… Read More »

100 SEO Tips > Free Online Marketing Report

Online Marketing report “100 SEO Tips” covers; “This ebook will give you 100 search engine techniques. The competition is fierce in the search engines. In order to get your web site or blog ranked high you need all the SEO techniques you can handle from this list. But the great thing is the search engine… Read More »

100 Backend Marketing Offers > Free Online Marketing Report

Online Marketing report “100 Backend Marketing Offers” covers; “This ebook includes 101 backend marketing offers. It lists you all kinds of special backend offers you could create to increase your sales after your prospect takes a certain action. And you could also use them for front end sales too. Plus, it gives you many different… Read More »

100 Loyalty Program Strategies > Free Online Marketing Report

Online Marketing report “100 Loyalty Program Strategies” covers; “This ebook will give you 100 customer loyalty strategies. It contains a ton of ways to reward your visitors, subscribers and customers for improving for business. You could reward them for visiting your web site, subscribing to your ezine, downloading your free software, etc. You can award… Read More »