Author Archives: Topper

Social Media Indicators > Free Social Marketing Ebook

Social Marketing ebook “Social Media Indicators” looks into 70 ways to boost your online business using social media, Using Twitter in your marketing, How to use Instagram and Pinterest to get free traffic, Google+ and YouTube tactics for more leads and sales. Click “Social Media Indicators” to download (397 KB pdf) this free ebook.

Product Funnel Optimization > Free Online Marketing Ebook

Internet Marketing MRR ebook “Product Funnel Optimization” covers A dynamic overview of a successful business profit funnel, How to implement your own product funnel so that it works, Developing your own low-ticket initial product ideas, Devising mid-ticket products for additional sales, Maximizing your profitability through high-ticket products, Recognizing customer needs and desires as you plan.… Read More »

Think Big and Grow Rich in the Digital Age > Free Internet Marketing Ebook

Internet Marketing ebook “Think Big and Grow Rich in the Digital Age” includes info on An explanation about how much information is out there, How to obtain the data, facts and info you will need, A description of the various sources available on the Internet, How to become enlightened by knowing what the experts know,… Read More »

Greener Homes for You > Free Green Lifestyle Ebook

Green Lifestyle ebook “Greener Homes for You” covers Do You Prefer to Live In Eco-friendly Homes? Benefits of Eco-friendly Homes, Features of Eco-friendly Homes, Considerations for Buying an Eco-friendly Home, Building Your Own Eco-friendly Home, Designing Tips for Eco-friendly Home, Furnish Your Home with Eco-friendly Furniture, The Eco-friendly Bathroom Ideas, Eco-friendly Household Products in the… Read More »

Gratitude For Today > Free Self Development Ebook

Self Improvement ebook “Gratitude for Today” looks into Gratitude Basics, How Gratitude Fits in with Abundance, Deciding What to be Grateful For, How Gratitude Works with Abundance, Getting in the Right Mindset, The Difference Between Positive and Negative Mindset in Gratitude, Turning Bad Days into Gratitude Days, How Gratitude Can Change what you Attract and… Read More »

Healing the Inner Child > Free Spiritual Ebook

Spiritual ebook “Healing the Inner Child” looks into Healing the Inner Child Basics, The History of the Healing the Inner Child Movement, Carl Jung’s Contribution, Understanding the Spiritual Connection, Understanding Why We Are Here, Learning to Trust, Learning to Forgive yourself and Others, Tools Used in Healing the Inner Child, Variations per Region and What… Read More »

Love Spells > Free Spiritual Ebook

Spiritual ebook “Love Spells” covers Love Spell Basics, The History of Love Spells, Understanding Hellenistic Spells, Love Spells in The Renaissance, Casting a Love Spell, Love Spell Examples, Tools Used in Love Spells, Love Spells in Folk Tales, Variations Per Region and What the Critics and Proponents Have to Say. Click “Love Spells” to download… Read More »