Author Archives: Topper

How to Break into the Luxury Market > Free Marketing Ebook

MRR ebook “How to Break Into the Luxury Market” includes chapters: What about the Economy? How to get Started, Identifying your Niche Market, Tips for Promoting Regular Products as a Luxury, Successful Marketing to Gain Customers, Making it Appealing, Services to Consider Offering, Low End Items, High End Items and Common Pitfalls to Avoid. Click… Read More »

Traffic Inclination > Free Online Marketing Report

Online Traffic report “Traffic Inclination” looks into: Search Engine Optimization, Pay-Per-Click Advertising, Write and Distribute Articles, Link Popularity, Start Your Own Affiliate Program, Post on Discussion Boards, Post Blog Comments, Create and Distribute Free Promotional ebooks, Create and Distribute Free Software Utilities, Business Alliances, Start A Syndicated Column, Start Your Own Blog. Click “Traffic Inclination”… Read More »

Start a Shopify(tm) Business With Absolutely No Experience > Free Report

eCommerce info report “Start a Shopify(tm) Business With Absolutely No Experience” looks into: Shopify Developers Differentiated the Company from others. Features offered by Shopify. Shopify makes your life easier. Benefits to Integrate Quickbooks with Shopify. Getting the most from your Shopify business experience. Cost of doing business with Shopify. So why should you Pay a… Read More »

5 Easy Ways to Discover Hot Niches > Free Report

Internet Marketing report “5 Easy Ways to Discover Hot Niches” looks at: Identify Your Passions and Interests. Identify Problems You Can Solve. Research Your Competition. Determine the Profitability of Your Niche and Test Your Idea. Click “5 Easy Ways to Discover Hot Niches” to download (370 KB pdf) this free Niche Marketing report.

Supreme Sobriety > Free Addiction Ebook

Addiction & Self Improvement MRR ebook “Supreme Sobriety” looks into Sober Resolutions Basics, Get Rid of Temptations, Get into a Support Group, Get the Mindset of Being Committed, Make Sure to Reward Yourself, Make Sure to Stay Active and Busy, Change your Mindset about being able to Indulge just a Bit, Eat Healthy to help… Read More »

Personal Power Perfection > Free Self Development Ebook

Self Improvement ebook “Personal Power Perfection” covers Loving Yourself Basics, Treating others with Love and Respect, Being Grateful, Expressing Yourself, Get out of the Past, Forgiveness for yourself and others, Being Positive, Affirming Yourself, Get Rid of Past Thinking and Benefits of Power Thinking. Click “Personal Power Perfection” to download (366 KB pdf) this free… Read More »