Author Archives: Topper

Truth Tailwinds > Free Self Development Ebook

Self Development ebook “Truth Tailwinds” covers Subjective Thinking Basics, Objective Thinking Basics, When to Be Objective, When to Be Subjective, Easy Ways to Remember Objective, Easy Ways to Remember Subjective, Examples of Objective Thinking, Examples of Subjective Thinking, What Happens When You Don’t Have A Clear Vision, Benefits of Objective Thinking and Benefits of Subjective… Read More »

Leveraging eBooks In The Digital Era > Free Product Creation Ebook

Internet Marketing ebook “Leveraging eBooks in the Digital Era” covers E-book Basics, Decide How Your Book Will Be Used, Decide On Formats Relative To How Your E-book Will Be Used, Choose A Relevant Topic, Put Your E-book Together, Arrange The Ads In Your E-book, Decide What Extras To Include In Your E-book Package, Market your… Read More »

Stepping Into The Light > Free Spiritual Ebook

Spiritual ebook “Stepping Into The Light” looks at Lightworker Basics, Blocks To Being A Lightworker, Spiritual Training, The Process Of Awakening, How Prayer Comes In, Where To Go For Training, What Happens In A Session, Lightworker Events, Selecting The Right Program and Benefits Of Becoming A Lightworker. Click “Stepping Into The Light” to download (439… Read More »

The Polarity Path > Free Self Development Ebook

Self Improvement ebook “The Polarity Path” looks at Polarity Therapy Basics, Body Work, Stress Reduction, Energetic Foods, Chakras, Oval Fields, What Happens in a Session?, Polarity Events, Selecting the Right Program and Benefits of Polarity Therapy. Click “The Polarity Path” to download (612 KB pdf) this free self help ebook.

Avoiding Procrastination Potholes > Free Self Help Ebook

Self Improvement ebook “Avoiding Procrastination Potholes” looks at Procrastination Basics, Create a Timeline, Fixing Your Procrastination Environment, Get Inspired, Break Up Things into Smaller Steps, Think Of Positive Words to Get You Motivated, Think About What You Really Want To Accomplish and Share It with Others, Practice Meeting Goals, Reward Yourself and Benefits of Getting… Read More »

Time Triumph > Free Time Management Ebook

Time Management MRR ebook “Time Triumph” covers Time Basics, Treating Others with Love and Respect, Being Grateful, Expressing Yourself, Be Good To Yourself, Think Of Positive Words about Your Time Management, Think About What You Really Want To Accomplish, Practice Time Management, Reward Yourself and Benefits of Time Management. Click “Time Triumph” to download (643… Read More »

Motivation Minefield > Free Self Help Ebook

Self Improvement MRR ebook “Motivation Minefield” covers Motivation Basics, Concentrate On One Goal, Find Inspiration, Get Excited, Build Anticipation, Commit Publicly, Find Support, Be Good To Yourself, Stick With It and Benefits of Being Motivated. Click “Motivation Minefield” to download (406 KB pdf) this free self development ebook.

Scoring Your Goal > Free Self Development Ebook

Self Help MRR ebook “Scoring Your Goal” includes topics: Goal Basics. Stop Fantasizing. Start Committing. Start Starting. Visualize Process Not Outcome. Avoid the “What-The-Hell” Effect. Shifting Focus. Forget the Goal, What’s the Aim? Know When to Stop. Benefits of Meeting a Goal. Click “Scoring Your Goal” to download (621 KB pdf) this free self help… Read More »

To Notice Or Not To Notice > Free Self Help Ebook

Self Improvement/Relationship ebook “To Notice Or Not To Notice” covers Discipline Basics, Treating Others With Love And Respect, Being Grateful, Expressing Yourself, Get Out Of The Past, Manage Material Objects, Journaling, Being Persistent, Don’t Define Yourself By Mistakes and Benefits Of Knowing What Deserves Attention. Click “To Notice Or Not To Notice” to download (795… Read More »

Product Creation Madness > Free Online Marketing Ebook

Online Marketing MRR ebook “Product Creation Madness” covers The Most Important Thing you Need to Know, Catching Buyer Attention, Drafting Your Table of Contents, DIY vs Outsourcing, How to Outsource, Dealing with Outsourcers and Developing Relationships. Click “Product Creation Madness” to download (489 KB pdf) this free ebook.