Author Archives: Topper

Outsourcing Cheat Sheet > Free Online Business eBook

Online Business ebook “Outsourcing Cheat Sheet” looks at outsourcing for The Basics of Outsourcing, Graphics Design, Content and Article Writing, Company Logo Creation, Web Design and Development, Search Engine Optimization, VA and Administrative Tasks, Customer Support Services, Telemarketing, Software Development and E-mail Marketing. Click “Outsourcing Cheat Sheet” to download this free online management ebook.

Wonderful Weight > Free Health & Wellness Ebook

Health & Wellness ebook “Wonderful Weight” covers Weight Loss Resolution Basics, Use Walks, Use Fruits Rich in Vitamin C, Switch Out Trans Fats for Healthier Fats, Reprogram Your Mind About Portion Sizes, Change Your Mind About Salt and Use Fresh Herbs, Change Your View About Whole Grains, Don’t Forget Water, Use Affirmations To Stay On… Read More »

Smoking Solutions > Free Addiction Ebook

Addiction ebook “Smoking Solutions” covers Stop Smoking Resolutions Basics, Learn From Past Attempts, Use All The Support You Can Get, Research And Decide If You Need Medication, Learn More About The Projecting Mindset, Reprogram Your Mind About Smoking, Use Healthy Snacks Instead Of A Cigarette, Make a Commitment To Yourself and Others, Use Affirmations To… Read More »

Spiritual Soldier > Free Spiritual Ebook

Spiritual ebook “Spiritual Soldier” covers Spiritual Resolutions Basics, Be Good To Yourself, Keep Up With Prayer, Set Aside Time Every Week To Study Teachings, Set Aside Time To Meditate, Learn To Listen To Your Inner Voice, Change Your Mindset About Being Positive, Get A Grateful Mindset, Use Affirmations To Stay On Course and The Benefits… Read More »

Business Baron > Free Self Help eBook

Self Help MRR ebook “Business Baron” looks into Business Resolutions Basics, Understand the Mentality of Being Organized, Understand Work/Family Balance, Reward Yourself for Reaching Goals, Make Sure To Take Time for Yourself, Keep Up With Training, Make Sure To Network, Get the “I Can Do It” Mentality, Use Affirmations to Stay On Course and The… Read More »

Relationship Recon > Free Love & Relation Ebook

Love & Relationship ebook “Relationship Recon” looks at Relationship Resolutions Basics, Take Care Of Yourself First, Learn How To Have The Benefit Of The Doubt Mentality, Change Your “Blame Them” Mentality, Learn More About The Projecting Mindset, Build Compassion, Change Your Mindset Thinking Before You Speak, Maintain Your Own Boundaries, Use Affirmations To Stay On… Read More »

Stress Slayer > Free Stress Management eBook

Self Improvement ebook “Stress Slayer” looks into Stress Resolutions Basics, Understand Who Stresses You, Get The Acceptance Mindset, Practice Breathing Exercises, Use Reminders, Make Sure To Network, Get The “I Will Be Calm” Mentality, Use Affirmations To Stay On Course and The Benefits Of Your Stress Resolution. Click “Stress Slayer” to download (772 KB pdf)… Read More »