Author Archives: Topper

Sugar – Is it the New Enemy? > Free Health & Wellness Report

Healthy eating report “Sugar – Is it the New Enemy?” looks into The Different Types of Sugar. 13 Reasons Sugar Is Bad for You. The Surprising Places Sugar Hides. How Much Sugar Is Too Much? Are You Addicted to Sugar? Tips for Breaking Your Sugar Habit. How to Fight Sugar Addiction Withdrawal Symptoms. Recipe Ideas… Read More »

Marketing to Senior Citizens > Free Niche Marketing Report

Niche Marketing report “Marketing to Senior Citizens” covers What Is a Senior? What Products and Services Are Seniors Looking For? Senior Marketing Do’s and Don’ts. Where to Reach Your Senior Audience. How to Engage the Senior Audience. Focus on Lifestyle. Make Marketing More Seasonal. Include Online and Offline Marketing. Provide the Information They Need. Click… Read More »

Financing Your Child’s School Year > Free Family Ebook

Family Financial ebook “Financing Your Child’s School Year” looks into Items You’ll Likely Be Responsible for in Public School. How to Create a Budget with School Expenses in Mind. Save Creatively. The Real Cost of Extracurricular Activities. Before and After-School Care. Tips to Save Money on Back-to-School Supplies. How to Get Free Supplies for Your… Read More »

10 Tips for Effective Email Content > Free Email Marketing Report

Email Marketing report “10 Tips for Effective Email Content” covers “In this report, not only will you learn 10 top tips for writing effective email content, but you’ll also learn a few other additional tricks of the trade that can improve the quality of your list”. Click “10 Tips for Effective Email Content” to download… Read More »

7 Techniques to Minimize Your Facebook Ad Costs > Free Social Marketing Report

Social Marketing report “7 Techniques to Minimize Your Facebook Ad Costs” covers “If you want to know how these successful Facebook advertisers are able to minimize their ad costs, then read on because today I’m going to be sharing with you seven tried-and-tested methods for lowering your Facebook Ad costs. Click “7 Techniques to Minimize… Read More »

5 Ways to Increase Your Affiliate Commissions > Free Online Marketing Report

Affiliate Marketing report “5 Ways to Increase Your Affiliate Commissions” looks at “you’re going to discover 5 ways that you can start getting more from your affiliate marketing”. Click “5 Ways to Increase Your Affiliate Commissions” to download (511 KB pdf) this free report.

Technical School Compass > Free Education Ebook

Education ebook “Technical School Compass” covers Why Getting into Technical School Is the Right Decision? Deciding Your Career Path First, Search for Technical School with Accreditation, Understanding Admission Requirement in Important, You Can Pay a Visit to the Campus, Make Sure There is Sufficient Class Available, Seeking and Research on Technical School from Internet, Is… Read More »

Ready Get Set Go College > Free Education Ebook

Education MRR ebook “Ready Get Set Go College” covers Basic Preparation for College, Great Strategies to Score Flying Colors In SAT & ACT, Is Advance Placement Test Necessary?, Your Grades and How it Strengthen Your Application, Discuss With Guidance Counselor your  Choose Your Course, Begin Researching on Colleges and Universities, What Documents You Need for… Read More »

Social Freak > Free Self Development Ebook

Self Improvement ebook “Social Freak” covers Common social problems in schools, Discover your talent & build higher self-esteem, Participation in group events for students, Volunteer to be a leader to build leadership skills, Be the man of your word, demonstrate reliability, Continuous improvement on your mistakes, Be friendly and make lots of friends, Take up… Read More »

Productivity Unleashed > Free Self Help Ebook

Self Improvement ebook “Productivity Unleashed” covers Why most people struggle to stay productive. How to find out what affects your productivity – and how to correct things. How to set up a working environment which facilitates productivity. Why getting organized is so important – and how to do it. Why you should plan out exactly… Read More »