Tag Archives: Positive Mindset

The Art Of Allowing and Surrender > Free Self Help eBook

Self Improvement ebook “The Art of Allowing and Surrender” looks at Figuring Out What You Truly Value, Figuring Out What You Need To Surrender To, How Allowing and Surrender Works, Getting in the Right Mindset, The Difference between Positive and Negative Mindset in Surrendering, How Important Is It to Live in the Here and Now,… Read More »

Gathering the Good > Free Self Development Ebook

Self Development ebook “Gathering The Good” covers Bad Habit Basics, Know What You Want to Change and Make a List of the Benefits, Be Committed to Change, Reward Yourself, Start Slow and Go For Consistency, Get Support, Stay Motivated and Believe In Yourself. Click “Gathering the Good” to download (419 KB pdf) this free motivational… Read More »

Emerging Effectiveness > Free Self Help Ebook

Self Improvement ebook “Emerging Effectiveness” covers The Basics On Effectiveness, Be Proactive, Clarify Your Goals, Learn To Put First Things First, Understand The Win Win Mentality, Learn Empathy, The Benefits Of Being A More Effective Person, Staying Motivated To be More Effective, Staying On Track and Making Resolutions For Being An Effective Person. Click “Emerging… Read More »